Latest offers and news
  • VITAMIN C DAY - Vitamin C Uncovered with Dr Levy and Katy Sunnassee

    VITAMIN C DAY - Vitamin C Uncovered with Dr Levy and Katy Sunnassee


    April 4th is Vitamin C Day and to celebrate we are offering 20% off Altrient liposomal vitamin C and Neutrient Total C for the next two days until midnight on 5th April.

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  • IHCAN win!

    IHCAN win!


    Altrient are delighted to announce that they have won Gold for Best VMS Product (Vitamin Mineral and Supplements) for their Altrient C product, in the prestigious IHCAN product awards. 

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  • New for 2022: Introducing Subscribe & Save!

    New for 2022: Introducing Subscribe & Save!


    This year, we wanted to make it easier than ever to shop for Altrient, Neutrient and our high-performance supplements. So we’ve decided to kick off the new year with an exciting subscription feature that takes the hassle out of re-ordering! We’re so excited to be launching our new Subscribe & Save model, which will allow you to save an additional 5% on your purchases!

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  • Meet your New Year's goals with Abundance & Health

    Meet your New Year's goals with Abundance & Health


    New year, new you – isn't that how the saying goes? The first month of a new year is the perfect opportunity to take a breather and reset – and it's a great time to set a few goals for 2022, too! This is your year to shine, so make your goals a reality with Abundance and Health and Altrient. No matter how small, we can help.

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  • Buyer Beware: How To Tell When A Product Is NOT Liposomal

    Buyer Beware: How To Tell When A Product Is NOT Liposomal


    Since LivOn Labs launched Altrient (US name Lypospheric) the world’s first liposomal vitamin C supplement back in 2004, liposomes have taken the health and wellness world by storm. ‘Liposomal’ has become a buzzword in the industry and liposomal supplements are a steadily growing trend among beauty, health and wellness experts – one that’s only expected to get bigger.

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  • Warming winter wellness recipes

    Warming winter wellness recipes


    Our most recent recipe collecting brings you a selection of warming and nourishing wellness recipes to take you through the colder months. Food Scientist and Nutritionist Susie Debice has created these recipes using all your favourite ingredients but with an extra helping of goodness. Each recipe uses Neutrient Butterfat Keto or Advanced Collagen to fuel you through the colder months.

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  • Altrient C welcomes Latest ASA Ruling on Clarity of Liposomal Vitamin C Marketing

    Altrient C welcomes Latest ASA Ruling on Clarity of Liposomal Vitamin C Marketing


    Altrient® has welcomed the latest ruling from the Advertising Standard Agency (ASA) regarding the clarity and required substantiation of marketing claims around liposomal vitamin C supplement brands.

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  • How to hold on to your collagen during the Menopause

    How to hold on to your collagen during the Menopause


    Coping with the many symptoms of the menopause could make this hormone transition an unbearable time of life. One aspect of menopause health that you may feel increasingly challenged by is just how quickly your skin starts to age. Nutritional Therapist Jackie Newson provides an insightful guide on how to preserve collagen so you can glow your way through the menopause.

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  • 3 Products that make keto diets a burning success

    3 Products that make keto diets a burning success


    Get ready to be amazed! Guess what happened when we gave 17 #CForYourself participants a plentiful supply of Butterfat Keto, Advanced Collagen and Altrient C and asked them to follow a LFHC keto style diet for 10 weeks? Effortless success! 

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  • 5 Best Age Management Tips by Karen Cummings-Palmer

    5 Best Age Management Tips by Karen Cummings-Palmer


    For centuries, humans have been trying to roll back the clock and stop ageing in its tracks. As such, age management serums, skincare and other age management treatments are becoming more and more popular, whether they're preventing fine lines and wrinkles or grey hairs and aching joints. Though we can't escape growing older, there are a few ways to slow down the process and retain that youthful glow – and you don't need the fountain of youth to achieve it, either. 

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  • 5 biggest mistakes to make on a keto diet

    5 biggest mistakes to make on a keto diet


    If you are new to ketosis, then watch out for these five easy mistakes as you get settled into a ketogenic lifestyle. This ratio of fats, carbs and proteins helps promote ketosis and keep you in the fat burning zone. Here are five common mistakes that could prevent you from initially making any progress.

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  • IRONMAN: Recover with Altrient and your chance to WIN sponsorship for Lanzarote 2022!

    IRONMAN: Recover with Altrient and your chance to WIN sponsorship for Lanzarote 2022!


    Abundance and Health, the distributors of Altrient cutting-edge health supplements are running a COMPETITION to all Ironman Lanzarote participants. The prize is also SPONSORSHIP for IRONMAN Lanzarote 2022 for 1 lucky registrant. Read on for more details!

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Showing 73 to 84 of 263 (22 Pages)

