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  • Discover why liposomal magnesium is THE best sports supplement…

    Discover why liposomal magnesium is THE best sports supplement…


    In celebration of us all being able to return to active and sporty lifestyles, we asked Food Scientist and Nutritionist Susie Debice to explain why liposomal magnesium is set to be this summers’ most essential sports supplement.

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  • Getting to know Altrient Ambassador, Robson Lindberg

    Getting to know Altrient Ambassador, Robson Lindberg


    It's all about fitness at Abundance & Health at the moment, so we caught up with Altrient Ambassador, Robson Lindberg to get to know him a little better and to hear some of his fitness wisdom. You can follow Robson and his adventures on Instagram.

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  • Altrient Partners with IRONMAN® Lanzarote 3rd July 2021

    Altrient Partners with IRONMAN® Lanzarote 3rd July 2021


    Altrient are proud to be partnering with  Ironman® Lanzarote 2021 triathlon competition, with Altrient C, B complex and Magnesium products having tried, tested and passing the Informed Sports doping tests and Altrient vitamin B and mineral complex fully registered with Informed Sports.

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  • Get Up And Glow! 15 Delicious Advanced Collagen Recipes

    Get Up And Glow! 15 Delicious Advanced Collagen Recipes


    Adding Advanced Collagen into your lifestyle is super simple! This incredible protein powder is so versatile because it’s colourless, odourless, tasteless and readily dissolves in any hot or cold drink. We've detailed 15 delicious recipes that utilise advanced collagen in lattes, smoothies, soups, healthy snacks and more!

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  • Everything You Need To Know About Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides

    Everything You Need To Know About Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides


    Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins found in the body and accounts for up to 30% of your body’s total protein content. Looking after your collagen is an important part of your daily wellbeing since collagen levels naturally start to decline from the age of 30 onwards. Hydrolysed collagen peptides and vitamin C help to replenish collagen reserves.

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  • 9 Delicious Butterfat Keto recipes to fuel your day! Bulletproof coffee, Smoothies and Snacks

    9 Delicious Butterfat Keto recipes to fuel your day! Bulletproof coffee, Smoothies and Snacks


    If you’re new to ketogenics then it’s simply a wellness strategy that involves cutting back on dietary sugar and carbs and swapping in fats to cleverly switch the body into fat-burning mode. MCT provides your body with the types of fat that make the switch to fat-burning more efficient and effective. Check out our butterfat bulletproof coffee, smoothies and snacks to help you power through your morning or get the best out of your workout.

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  • Everything you need to know about MCT powder

    Everything you need to know about MCT powder


    With obesity and type 2 diabetes on the increase, people are turning to ketogenic diets which reduce carbs and sugar and increase fats and MCT to help switch the body into fat-burning mode. Nutritional Therapist Jackie Newson explains how MCT provides an efficient source of fuel that can be readily utilised by brain and body cells, when sugar levels become depleted.

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  • The 3 Pillars Technique to Unwind from Stress and Anxiety.

    The 3 Pillars Technique to Unwind from Stress and Anxiety.


    It’s very natural to feel unusually stressed, anxious, frustrated or even a little low from the many challenges of these uncertain times. Nutritional Therapist Jackie Newson explains how The 3 Pillars Technique of diet, sleep and exercise are key to your physical and mental health and wellbeing. 

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  • Are ketogenic diets the new route to effortless weight loss?

    Are ketogenic diets the new route to effortless weight loss?


    Every January we hear about new healthy eating plans designed to help us shape up and lose any residual festive kilos. Why waste your time on a wellness plan that hasn’t already been put through its paces? Nutritional Therapist, Jackie Newson explains why ketogenic diets, which typically follow a high fat, low carb style of eating, that’s been tried, tested and perfected over the last century, makes light work of successful dieting.

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  • Everything you need to know about vitamins D3 and K2

    Everything you need to know about vitamins D3 and K2


    With the new product launch of Neutrient D3+K2 now available on the Abundance & Health shop, Nutritional Therapist Jackie Newson explains the unique health benefits of vitamin D3 and K2 which act as a powerful team for those who want to invest in strong bones, healthy muscles, immune support and optimal cardiovascular health.

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  • Introducing Neutrient D3+K2

    Introducing Neutrient D3+K2


    We’ve just added a new winter wellness product to the Abundance and Health product range called Neutrient D3+K2. This unique vegan oral spray contains highly absorbable forms of the essential vitamins D3 and K2. Nutritional Therapist, Jackie Newson reveals lifestyle factors that lower vitamin D, explains the impact of a vitamin D or vitamin K deficiency, suggests an easy home test kit and reveals the best forms for effective supplements.

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  • What’s New for Vegan Health?

    What’s New for Vegan Health?


    World Vegan Day on the 1st of November helped draw attention to veganism. As this style of eating becomes more mainstream many manufacturers are creating innovative products to help make the transition away from animal products easier and more enjoyable. If a plant-based diet and lifestyle is becoming important to you then now is a great time to embrace all the wonderful new products out there that make being a vegan a piece of cake (minus eggs of course!).

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Showing 85 to 96 of 263 (22 Pages)

