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Fitness Articles

Tips on nutrition and fitness from our expert writers and qualified nutritionists here at Abundance & Health

  • Are ketogenic diets the new route to effortless weight loss?

    Are ketogenic diets the new route to effortless weight loss?


    Every January we hear about new healthy eating plans designed to help us shape up and lose any residual festive kilos. Why waste your time on a wellness plan that hasn’t already been put through its paces? Nutritional Therapist, Jackie Newson explains why ketogenic diets, which typically follow a high fat, low carb style of eating, that’s been tried, tested and perfected over the last century, makes light work of successful dieting.

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  • Altrient Partners with IRONMAN® Lanzarote 3rd July 2021

    Altrient Partners with IRONMAN® Lanzarote 3rd July 2021


    Altrient are proud to be partnering with  Ironman® Lanzarote 2021 triathlon competition, with Altrient C, B complex and Magnesium products having tried, tested and passing the Informed Sports doping tests and Altrient vitamin B and mineral complex fully registered with Informed Sports.

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  • Discover why liposomal magnesium is THE best sports supplement…

    Discover why liposomal magnesium is THE best sports supplement…


    In celebration of us all being able to return to active and sporty lifestyles, we asked Food Scientist and Nutritionist Susie Debice to explain why liposomal magnesium is set to be this summers’ most essential sports supplement.

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  • Getting to know Altrient Ambassador, Robson Lindberg

    Getting to know Altrient Ambassador, Robson Lindberg


    It's all about fitness at Abundance & Health at the moment, so we caught up with Altrient Ambassador, Robson Lindberg to get to know him a little better and to hear some of his fitness wisdom. You can follow Robson and his adventures on Instagram.

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  • IRONMAN: Recover with Altrient and your chance to WIN sponsorship for Lanzarote 2022!

    IRONMAN: Recover with Altrient and your chance to WIN sponsorship for Lanzarote 2022!


    Abundance and Health, the distributors of Altrient cutting-edge health supplements are running a COMPETITION to all Ironman Lanzarote participants. The prize is also SPONSORSHIP for IRONMAN Lanzarote 2022 for 1 lucky registrant. Read on for more details!

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  • 5 Best Age Management Tips by Karen Cummings-Palmer

    5 Best Age Management Tips by Karen Cummings-Palmer


    For centuries, humans have been trying to roll back the clock and stop ageing in its tracks. As such, age management serums, skincare and other age management treatments are becoming more and more popular, whether they're preventing fine lines and wrinkles or grey hairs and aching joints. Though we can't escape growing older, there are a few ways to slow down the process and retain that youthful glow – and you don't need the fountain of youth to achieve it, either. 

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  • New for 2022: Introducing Subscribe & Save!

    New for 2022: Introducing Subscribe & Save!


    This year, we wanted to make it easier than ever to shop for Altrient, Neutrient and our high-performance supplements. So we’ve decided to kick off the new year with an exciting subscription feature that takes the hassle out of re-ordering! We’re so excited to be launching our new Subscribe & Save model, which will allow you to save an additional 5% on your purchases!

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  • What’s the Buzz about B Vitamins?

    What’s the Buzz about B Vitamins?


    B vitamins aren’t just about revving up your energy levels, although let’s not play down that amazing benefit. They do also perform a myriad of other essential functions in the body. As you age though, you may need to consider topping up with vitamin B supplements, as we humans become less efficient at absorbing nutrients with age.

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  • #KnowBetter with Altrient

    #KnowBetter with Altrient


    Altrient is on a mission to remove the confusion when trying to choose the right supplements. They are giving you access to expert insight to help guide you towards making the best decisions for your health and wellness – everyone deserves to #KnowBetter.

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  • Triathlete Robson Lindberg: Overcoming trauma and preparing for peak performance

    Triathlete Robson Lindberg: Overcoming trauma and preparing for peak performance


    Robson Lindberg, IRONMAN presenter, triathlete (an IRONMAN himself) and inspirational speaker shares his incredible story about defying the odds after a brain injury, with Susie Perry, Dip ION Food Scientist and Nutritional Therapist as part of the Vitamin C Convention 2022 series.

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  • 5C Reset challenge: How people lost weight with the help of Neutrient and Intermittent Fasting in only 10 weeks

    5C Reset challenge: How people lost weight with the help of Neutrient and Intermittent Fasting in only 10 weeks


    Neutrient puts Butterfat Keto and Advanced Collagen to the test! As 2023 begins, you might want to fulfill a few new year's resolutions, including reaching a healthy weight or trying out a new diet that will, fingers crossed, help you reset your body. It is hard to choose a strategy that truly works, however, there is one that stands out from the crowd for losing and maintaining a healthy weight: intermittent fasting. Adding in an alternating keto and mediterranean diet, and some exceptional...

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    More recently, scientific evidence suggests that taking a multi-strain probiotic which combines a range of different microbial species each with different effects against different pathogens, may have a broader spectrum of action and benefits compared to taking a probiotic supplying just a single strain.1 For those with compromised gut microbiomes, a course of probiotics might be the most promising option for putting the brakes on a whole range of troublesome ailments.

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Showing 13 to 24 of 40 (4 Pages)

