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Collagen Articles

As one of the most abundant proteins found in the body, looking after your collagen is an important part of your daily wellbeing 

  • Everything You Need To Know About Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides

    Everything You Need To Know About Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides


    Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins found in the body and accounts for up to 30% of your body’s total protein content. Looking after your collagen is an important part of your daily wellbeing since collagen levels naturally start to decline from the age of 30 onwards. Hydrolysed collagen peptides and vitamin C help to replenish collagen reserves.

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  • Get Up And Glow! 15 Delicious Advanced Collagen Recipes

    Get Up And Glow! 15 Delicious Advanced Collagen Recipes


    Adding Advanced Collagen into your lifestyle is super simple! This incredible protein powder is so versatile because it’s colourless, odourless, tasteless and readily dissolves in any hot or cold drink. We've detailed 15 delicious recipes that utilise advanced collagen in lattes, smoothies, soups, healthy snacks and more!

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  • 10 Top Tips for great skin all year round

    10 Top Tips for great skin all year round


    There’s nothing quite like a great summer tan for turning back time. Eyes look bright, teeth look white and skin is positively glowing. But how do you maintain that wonderful youthful glow even after the last days of summer are fading and winter is drawing in? Icy winds, central heating and stodgy comfort food are the perfect combination for dry dull skin, but don’t despair. 

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  • Does your skin phototype help you avoid sun damage?

    Does your skin phototype help you avoid sun damage?


    Over-exposing your skin to summer sun could leave you with sun damage, skin pigmentation marks and signs of premature ageing. Nutritional Therapist Jackie Newson explains how getting to know your skin phototype gives you a better understanding of how to protect yourself from sun damage…

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  • Kick Cellulite to the Kerb Naturally

    Kick Cellulite to the Kerb Naturally


    Cellulite plagues a staggering 85% of women in the UK, leaving many feeling self-conscious about exposing their bodies and often feeling lost as to how to rid themselves of these pesky lumps and bumps. Many social myths surround the causes of cellulite, whether you’re being told that it only happens to overweight women or that it is purely caused by the food we eat. Cellulite can happen to anyone, regardless of shape or size, but do not despair! There are natural ways you can help your body...

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  • 5 biggest mistakes to make on a keto diet

    5 biggest mistakes to make on a keto diet


    If you are new to ketosis, then watch out for these five easy mistakes as you get settled into a ketogenic lifestyle. This ratio of fats, carbs and proteins helps promote ketosis and keep you in the fat burning zone. Here are five common mistakes that could prevent you from initially making any progress.

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  • 5 Best Age Management Tips by Karen Cummings-Palmer

    5 Best Age Management Tips by Karen Cummings-Palmer


    For centuries, humans have been trying to roll back the clock and stop ageing in its tracks. As such, age management serums, skincare and other age management treatments are becoming more and more popular, whether they're preventing fine lines and wrinkles or grey hairs and aching joints. Though we can't escape growing older, there are a few ways to slow down the process and retain that youthful glow – and you don't need the fountain of youth to achieve it, either. 

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  • How to hold on to your collagen during the Menopause

    How to hold on to your collagen during the Menopause


    Coping with the many symptoms of the menopause could make this hormone transition an unbearable time of life. One aspect of menopause health that you may feel increasingly challenged by is just how quickly your skin starts to age. Nutritional Therapist Jackie Newson provides an insightful guide on how to preserve collagen so you can glow your way through the menopause.

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  • New for 2022: Introducing Subscribe & Save!

    New for 2022: Introducing Subscribe & Save!


    This year, we wanted to make it easier than ever to shop for Altrient, Neutrient and our high-performance supplements. So we’ve decided to kick off the new year with an exciting subscription feature that takes the hassle out of re-ordering! We’re so excited to be launching our new Subscribe & Save model, which will allow you to save an additional 5% on your purchases!

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  • Skin from within: The science behind flawless skin with Dr. Bibi

    Skin from within: The science behind flawless skin with Dr. Bibi


    While most people are aware of the importance of taking care of their skin through topical rituals and products, many ignore the nutritional changes that will reflect strongly on the skin. Healthy diet and supplementation of vitamin C and collagen, among others, are true nutritional heroes when it comes to taking care of our health and skin from within.

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  • Menopause Nutrition & Lifestyle Tips: How to Support Your Health during this change

    Menopause Nutrition & Lifestyle Tips: How to Support Your Health during this change


    Coping with the many symptoms of the menopause could make this hormone transition an unbearable time of life for some. To celebrate World Menopause Day on the 18th of October we are sharing some of the best nutrition and lifestyle tips to help you make this transition as smooth as possible.

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  • 5C Reset challenge: How people lost weight with the help of Neutrient and Intermittent Fasting in only 10 weeks

    5C Reset challenge: How people lost weight with the help of Neutrient and Intermittent Fasting in only 10 weeks


    Neutrient puts Butterfat Keto and Advanced Collagen to the test! As 2023 begins, you might want to fulfill a few new year's resolutions, including reaching a healthy weight or trying out a new diet that will, fingers crossed, help you reset your body. It is hard to choose a strategy that truly works, however, there is one that stands out from the crowd for losing and maintaining a healthy weight: intermittent fasting. Adding in an alternating keto and mediterranean diet, and some exceptional...

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Showing 1 to 12 of 31 (3 Pages)

